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Welcome ALMA Members


We are happy to be a Gold Sponsor.  We understand that being a lab manager is big responsibility.  We want to help make it a little easier by providing our services to make working around fume hoods a safer experience.  We have a free program that makes the basics of fume hood safety available to anyone using a hood.  

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By adding a hoodie sticker to your fume hoods, any can access our free fume hood safety overview. We are happy to send you as many free labels as you need, just give us your shipping information by clicking on the button below.

We have tested thousands of hoods.  We find a high percentage fail containment testing.  The reasons are varied, but generally this is the causes of failures:


•20% Hood Design Issues

•20% Lab Design Issues

•35% Laboratory Ventilation Issues

•25%  User Work Practices


As a lab manager, 75% of these factors may be outside your control, but 25% you can influence.  You can work with the users to improve their work practices. 


Fume Hood Certified has introduced a new concept in fume hood testing.  It is called Tri-Color and it is Patent Pending.  It is a simple way to visualize fume hood performance. Tri-Color can not only be used for testing, but it is a great education tool to show common practices impact performance.


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Safer fume hood operation starts with a better understanding of how a fume hood works. But who do you ask?  With our 150 combined years of experience, there are few questions we haven't been asked. If you have questions about any aspect of a fume hood and the supporting laboratory ventilation system, please ask us.  Confidential and no obligation.  Just ask.  We are happy to help.

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